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What Should You Know About Remarrying And Your Divorce Decree?

Many believe the most stressful part of the divorce process ends when they sign the papers. While it is true that this settlement brings some relief, you might face unforeseen consequences of the decision. For example, you will still have to consider your divorce decree and how it affects your future marriage plans. So, if you are previously divorced and marriage is on the table again, it is advisable to hire a divorce lawyer to help you navigate the complex situation. Here is what you need to know about remarrying and your divorce decree. 

How Getting Married Affects Alimony

Alimony is the money you receive from your spouse as part of the divorce decree. It is meant to support you and make up for the work and time you spent caring for your family during the marriage. Ultimately, the payment should sustain you because you forewent the chance to become self-sufficient for the family's sake. That said, most states will terminate the spousal support agreement if the person on support remarries. Therefore, you should expect the court to withdraw your alimony the minute you enter another marriage agreement. Also, if you are the partner paying alimony, you can petition the court to stop the payments as soon as your ex remarries. 

Getting Remarried and How it Affects Child Support

You also want to consider the effect your new marriage might have on the children. Fortunately, the law is clear on all matters concerning children and will not mix this with your marital situation. As such, if the court orders your spouse to pay child support, it is for the child, and your marital status doesn't affect the payments. Therefore, the court cannot stop such payments once you decide to remarry. Additionally, the situation does not change even in a case where you marry a wealthy party. Hence, your former spouse retains their financial obligation to support their child. 

Time Frame to Get Remarried After a Divorce

Most states dictate how long you should wait before remarrying after your divorce. In most cases, a family lawyer will tell you that this ranges between one and three months, depending on your area. Hence, it is always wise to wait for the given period to lapse before you can enter a new marriage agreement. You should know that failure to do so could lead to a void marriage.

There are other issues you might need to consult a divorce lawyer over if thinking about remarrying after a divorce. Contact a local divorce lawyer for more information.